Sunday, February 15, 2009


My recovery from surgery was a bit longer and more difficult than I had expected. But the experience of it – including a lot of time where I couldn’t do much but sit around and think – really gave me some perspective. I realized that life is to be lived, not to be worried about, planned, checked off or calculated. I get one go round at all this, so why not put all of me in it? I feel like I’ve been waiting or saving up for something. But I recognize that that something is now. Right now. Yeah, life could always be a little better in this way or that. But I’m done thinking about that. Life is good, and I’m gonna live it.

1 comment:

Pistols And Popcorn said...

Hey Matthew -

I felt the same way after my surgery. Not having all your mojo really makes an impact, huh? I had the life further sucked out of me by getting the first season of Gossip Girl on Netflix and watched the whole thing while I was stuck on the couch. I became more dumb. (But I liked it, what can I say?)

Once I was able to get up and do some regular things they suddenly felt really awesome. I think it's important to hang onto that somehow.

Good luck! I'm ejoying your writing!


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