Friday, June 08, 2007


Several weeks ago, I woke up from a dream, or a vision of sorts, and scribbled down a description of what I had seen. I completely forgot about it until today when I found the scrap of paper I wrote it on. Here is how it reads:

The not-Philosophy
I saw it clearly. A four-dimensional, utterly complete system of thought. It was multi-cubed and labyrinthine. Translucent. Skeletal. Truth was inherent in the structure, but it cannot be spoken or formulated. It was the framework of everything, luminous, floating above me as I marveled at its beautiful complexity. As I began to gain consciousness, the object drifted away, becoming as little more than lightning flashes in a distant storm cloud.

1 comment:

amyanne said...

if only i could write such things at 3:44 a.m.


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