Friday, August 03, 2007

unimpressive thoughts

1) People like photos with people in them. I've been watching the number of hits on some recent photos I posted to flickr, and I've found this to be true.

2) I am the only person on my hall who actually lives here. The lady in apartment 3312 had a postcard stuck in her door for over two months. Yesterday morning, the FexEx man left a package in front of the door of apartment 3309. And it was still there when I got home at midnight tonight. I haven't heard my next door neighbor in weeks, and I've never even seen the person who lives in the aparment across from mine. On my hall, I am the only person, actually, who lives here.


amyanne said...

and i think i was the only person who lived on the 4th floor of 1940 pearl street.

Matthew said...

I can't imagine how groundless the I-have-multiple-residences yuppie life must be. Poor yuppies.

amyanne said...

yeah, neighbors are crap.


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