Friday, January 23, 2009

favorite things

[This post is a response to a blog tagging incident from a friend who’s blog you should check out.]

Here are some of the things that make me happy:

1) Spending time with a certain someone who will go unnamed here for now.
2) Krav Maga
3) NPR
4) My fancy new eco-friendly, not gonna give me cancer from free radicals, stainless steel water bottle.
5) Touch screens! My iPod touch has one. Now I want a MacBook that has one.
6) Bicycle shops (specifically Turin and Cycle Analyst)

Here are some blogs that make me happy:
Copenhagen Cycle Chic
Pistols and Popcorn
FAIL blog
Bike Snob NYC

1 comment:

kkp said...

i bet smoking hookah would make your heart happy, too. ;)


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